Infertility Problem: Recently a WHO report has come, in which it has been told that every sixth person in the world has the problem of infertility . Due to wrong eating habits and deteriorating lifestyle nowadays, the problem of infertility is increasing. There are many reasons for infertility. Endometriosis is also a disease due to which women become victims of infertility. Most of the people are not aware about this disease. Let us tell you about it in detail
Endometriosis is a disease occurring in the uterus of women. In this disease, the tissues formed in the uterus and around it suddenly start growing a lot. These tissues develop and grow on the wall of the uretus and start spreading to other nearby organs. According to WHO statistics, 40 percent of women worldwide become victims of infertility due to endometriosis. It is a matter of concern that women are not aware of the symptoms of this disease. This happens because endometriosis only causes problems related to periods, which most women ignore.
How does endometriosis cause infertility?
Gynecologist Dr. Anju Goyal explains that due to endometriosis, tissue around the uterus increases. Because of this, the eggs that develop in the ovaries of women do not reach the uterus. Because of which women cannot become pregnant. Some women also suffer from PCOD due to endometriosis. Due to this also infertility has to be faced. It is a matter of concern that women do not have any information about this disease. Its symptoms are also not very serious. In such a situation, this disease cannot be detected in time.
These are the symptoms of this disease
excessive bleeding during periods
persistent lower abdominal pain
always tired
urine related problems
What is the treatment
IVF is considered the best treatment for endometriosis. Women who are victims of infertility can take the help of IVF. Apart from this, this disease is also treated with surgery and hormone therapy. However, if the symptoms are identified on time, then treatment is also possible with some medicines.
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