Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has claimed that the BJP will not come back to power in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. He called upon the anti-BJP parties to unite. At the same time, taking a jibe at Union Home Minister Amit Shah 's claim of winning 35 seats in the state, he asked to win 5 seats and show them. Accusing the central government of misuse of central agencies, he said that ED and CBI are imposed against everyone. On the killing of Atiq and Ashraf, he said that encounters have become a common occurrence in UP. The people there should oppose it.
On CBI's questioning of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Mamta Banerjee said that she wants to show that anyone can be called for questioning. No one is now separate from the investigation of CBI and ED.
Encounter has become a normal phenomenon in UP - Mamta Banerjee
/b>Kolkata | Encounters have become a normal thing for the people of Uttar Pradesh. People of UP should protest against these encounters. If anything happens in West Bengal, they (BJP) send central agencies. BJP is double engine…double standard: West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee on… pic.twitter.com/5GTX3oe4xW
— ANI (@ANI) April 17, 2023
He said, “In the name of post-poll violence, although the government at that time was under the Election Commission and not me, still some minor incidents took place. This happens everywhere after elections. Despite this, 151 central teams were sent here. Our party workers and party leaders have been implicated in false cases. Media image is being destroyed. This planning has been done. He said that encounter has become a normal phenomenon in UP. The people there should oppose it.
He said, “Whatever happens in Bengal, even if the government is not directly responsible for it, sometimes such things happen which we do not support. He is sent to the central team. Even this is done to stop our development work. They have already stopped the work of many of our development projects."
The federal system is being bulldozed
He said, “All taxes are being taken from Bengal through GST. The government has no right to collect tax. Don't even give us what we deserve. Money is not being given for 100 days' work." He said that the federal system is being bulldozed. History is being changed. In such a situation, it is time that all the opposition parties unite. He said that the efforts to unite have started, but it is certain that the BJP government will not come in the year 2024. Mamta Banerjee said that the central team is sent only when something happens in Bengal, but people are being killed in Uttar Pradesh only in judicial custody. What steps are being taken there.
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