If you are thinking of investing money in LIC's schemes, then you can earn well by investing in LIC's Aadhaar Shila scheme. Because this scheme of LIC is a government supported scheme. The special thing about this scheme is that it has been prepared especially for women. In this plan, you get both the benefits of insurance protection and savings. In this scheme, women can prepare a fat fund for their future by depositing Rs.87 per day.
LIC Aadhar Shila Plan is an endowment, non-linked, individual life insurance scheme designed for women. It provides financial protection to the family of the customers in case of death during the policy term and helps in accumulating wealth over the long term. All women below the age of 8 to 55 years can invest in this scheme.
Premium can be paid on this basis
Please tell that the maturity time of this foundation stone policy is between ten to twenty years. The maturity age of this LIC plan is 70 years. If a woman wants to invest in this scheme, then women can buy the policy of this scheme for a maximum of Rs 3 lakh. Along with this, installments can also be paid on monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly basis.
Will have to invest so much
If women deposit 87 rupees per day at the age of 15 years. So women will deposit Rs 31755 in LIC Aadhaar Shila Yojana in a year. Similarly, on depositing money for 10 years, your lump sum amount of Rs 317550 will be made. After this, at the time of maturity, you will get a total of about 11 lakh rupees.