Japan Abortion News: An important decision has been taken regarding women in Japan. This decision is related to her abortion. Let us know what has been said in this decision.
Japan Abortion: Japan has taken an important decision in the interest of women. Now here women have got in-principle approval for taking tablets for abortion. Till now only operation was the only way for abortion in Japan . The Japanese Ministry of Health took up the demand of the people. For this, first an online survey was conducted among 12 thousand people. Many women and human rights organizations in Japan have praised this decision of the government.
At present, Japan has a rule of abortion for 21 weeks and six days. But, this is possible only with the consent of the father. Secondly, surgery is currently the only option for abortion in Japan. Here the final approval of the tablet is in the final stage.
In how many countries is the tablet being used?
More than 80 countries are using tablets all over the world. France first approved it in 1988. Since then many countries have implemented it. The World Health Organization has supported the tablet for abortion on different occasions. Despite this, Japan took a long time to take this decision.
What is the legal position in India?
India has introduced a new law in this regard on October 13, 2021. According to this, abortion can be done up to 24 weeks in certain situations. According to the new rule, abortion is possible up to 24 weeks in case of sexual harassment or rape, minor, widow during pregnancy or divorce.
After this, abortion is possible only when the state level medical board approves. Prior to this, the consent of one doctor within 12 weeks and two doctors till 20 weeks was necessary.
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