Maddie Young: A UK-based woman spent Rs 8 lakh and booked a private jet to take her two pet dogs for a walk and participate in a competition. He said that during the journey it seemed as if he was on a journey to heaven.
Maddie Young: There are many people in the world who like to keep dogs and love them very much. They do not love humans as much as they do with their pet dogs. You must have seen how people go out for a walk with their pets in the morning and evening. Even when he goes to another city, he takes them with him, but can anyone book a private jet to take their pet dog for a walk ? Perhaps you will say no, not at all, but nowadays one such woman is being discussed all over the world, who booked a private jet by spending lakhs of rupees to take her pet dogs.
According to the report of the New York Post, the name of this woman from Britain is Maddie Young , who is 31 years old. Actually, Maddy has two dogs, whom she is lovingly raising. He told that he had to take both his dogs to participate in a competition, in which many types of competitions were to be held from playing and jumping. She wanted to take him to the Mile-High Kennel Club.
According to Maddy, at first he looked at flight tickets, but they were very expensive. The airlines had told the total cost of carrying both their dogs to be 15 thousand dollars i.e. about 12 lakh rupees and the problem in that too was that those dogs would have to be sent in cargo. In such a situation, Maddy started inquiring about the private jet. Meanwhile, he came to know that going by private jet would have cost him only 10 thousand dollars i.e. about 8 lakh rupees, while he had to cover a distance of 3,470 miles.
Just Maddy immediately booked a private jet and left with her pet dogs. Maddy told that while traveling by private jet, she felt as if she had gone on a journey to heaven. He didn't face any problem. She reached her destination very comfortably.
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