Covid 19: Corona cases in India have again gained momentum. The figure of active cases of corona in the country has also crossed 50 thousand. Due to the increasing cases of corona, now the mask has been made mandatory. But new research has come out regarding corona infection, it is very shocking. According to the study, people who are suffering from mild Kovid-19 infection may be at risk of sudden deafness and hearing loss.
According to University of South Australia lecturer Kim Gibson, sudden deafness is a side effect of Covid-19, which is not even listed as a common symptom by doctors.
Risk of deafness due to mild corona
Gibson is a Registered Nurse in Neonatal Intensive Care. In the year 2022, after having a mild corona infection, he lost his ability to hear from one ear. A report about this has also been published in the British Medical Journal Case Report. According to the nurse, my experience shows that even people who have a mild COVID-19 infection may be at risk of permanent and long-term effects. Previous research has linked sudden hearing loss to a possible side effect of COVID-19 and vaccinations. But the evidence for this is still limited.
What do health experts say
Sudden deafness occurs when you lose your hearing very quickly, usually in only one ear. This can happen immediately or after a few days. People may lose their hearing temporarily or completely. This Australian nurse says that health experts should include sudden deafness as a possible side effect of Kovid-19. Research conducted on deafness during the corona epidemic has shown that about one-third of people with sudden sensorineural hearing loss were infected with corona.
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