In today's time, more people use WhatsApp, whether they want to talk to someone or make online payments. In such a situation, many times there are some such messages or photos, from which you have to either separate the text or edit, then in this situation we get upset, but now you will not have to take so much tension. In fact, the meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp has added a new feature text editor for the convenience of the users. That is, now users can edit text in any photo or can also remove text in it.
Let us tell you that currently this service is available for some beta testers on Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp Android Beta. According to the report of WABetaInfo, beta testers can now edit photos, videos and GIFs in the text editor.
You can change the background color of the text
Users will be able to easily switch between multiple fonts by tapping on one of the font options written on top of the keyboard. Text alignment can also be changed to left, center or right, giving users more control over formatting text in images, videos and GIFs. Beta users can change the background color of the text, making it easier for them to differentiate the text from the rest.
New fonts will be available on whatsapp
According to reports, Calistoga, Courier Prime, Damian, Exo 2 and Morning Breeze along with some new fonts have been released for beta testers. Meanwhile, last week it was reported that the messaging platform is working on a new feature called audio chats that will be available inside conversations in future updates to the application on Android.
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