Due to climate change, the sea level is increasing twice as fast, it can cause terrible destruction in the coming times. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released this report a day before Earth Day . It has been told in this report that in the year 2022, the average temperature increased by 1.15 degree Celsius.
This is the fifth or sixth consecutive year, when the temperature of the earth has increased. This is the situation when La Nina has affected the weather for the third consecutive year. Explain that La Lena affects the weather of the whole world, due to La Nina, a drop in temperature is seen.
Earth has been the hottest in the last 8 years
The World Meteorological Organization has released a 55-page report 'State of Global Climate 2022'. It has been told in this that the last 8 years have been the hottest years globally. In this, the weather data of several months has been analyzed. This report shows that due to climate change, there have been devastating floods, droughts and heatwaves around the world, which have affected the cost of several billion dollars. Due to this, the level of heat and acidity in the world's oceans reached a record high. Apart from this, the Antarctic sea ice and the European Alps glacier reached a very low level.
Fierce disasters in 2022
In the year 2022, East Africa faced drought while Pakistan received record breaking rains. Apart from this, there was a fierce heatwave in China and Europe. It affected the lives of millions of people. Because of this, food insecurity increased and mass displacement took place. The loss and damage caused by this. Billions of dollars were spent in this. WMO Secretary General gave this information.
It was told in this report that the drought of Africa displaced more than 1.7 million people in Somalia and Ethiopia. While the floods in Pakistan displaced 80 people. Due to flood, one-third of Pakistan was submerged in water. It has been told in this report that by the year 2060, this negative pattern can be seen.
What are the main findings in the report?
1. It was told in this report that sea ice in Antarctica fell to a record level in last June and July. The oceans had the maximum heat during this period. 58 percent of the heatwave was felt on the surface of the metros.
2. During this period, major glaciers of the world shrunk by 1.3 meters (51 inches) in a year. Scientists use these glaciers as a health checkup for the world. For the first time in history, Switzerland's glaciers melted in summer and there was no snow left.
3. Glacier melting caused an average sea level rise of 4.62 mm every year between 2013-22. This increase is almost double the pace recorded in the first decade between 1993–2002, making the total increase since the early 1990s more than 10 cm.
4. During the year 2013-22, the sea level is increasing at more than twice the speed as compared to the first decade of 1993-2002. In the year 2022, it reached a new record. It has been told in this report that by the end of the century, the oceans can rise from half a meter to one meter (20 to 39 inches). Because due to excessive melting of ice and glaciers, more water will come out and due to this the water also gets warm.
5. Meanwhile, between the release of the report, climate scientists have warned that the world could break a new average temperature record in 2023 or 2024. This will happen due to climate change and the return of El Nino.
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