Yash Chopra Wife Passes Away: Pamela Chopra, wife of veteran filmmaker Yash Chopra, has passed away. He breathed his last in a hospital in Mumbai on Thursday morning. Pamela Chopra was 74 years old. Due to the death of Pamela, a mountain of sorrow has broken on the Chopra family. Even for the film industry, his departure is no less than a shock.
A statement was issued by Yash Raj Films regarding the death, in which it is written, "With sorrow, the Chopra family informs you that 74-year-old Pamela Chopra is no longer with us." It has been told in this statement that Pamela's last rites were performed in Mumbai at 11 am.
Pamela Chopra was singer and film writer
Yash Chopra's wife Pamela Chopra was a brilliant playback singer. Along with this, she was also a film writer. However, all the films for which she sang were all films of her husband i.e. Yash Chopra. Pamela Chopra went to sing in films like Kabhi Kabhi, Mujhse Dosti Karogi.
Pamela Chopra was last seen in YRF's documentary The Romantics, which streamed on Netflix. During this, he talked about Yash Chopra and his journey. Yash Chopra's work in films was shown in this documentary. Along with this, Pamela's contribution to Bollywood was also mentioned.
Yash Chopra left the world 10 years ago
It has been almost 10 years since Yash Chopra, who made a distinct identity for romantic films in Hindi cinema. He breathed his last on 21 October 2012 in Mumbai. Now his wife has said goodbye to this world. Yash and Pamela have two sons, Aditya Chopra and Uday Chopra.
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