Acid Reflux: There are many hormonal changes in the body of women during pregnancy. Because of this many types of problems arise. It is very common to have mood swings. Because of this women cry and get angry on anything. Sometimes irritability also occurs. In pregnancy, women also have problems related to digestion. This includes gas, constipation and acidity etc. At the same time, many women are also troubled due to sour belching. Many times it feels very bad when there is sour belching .
In such a situation, women can also try some natural methods. This will help you in reducing the problem of indigestion. In such a situation, what methods can you try to reduce the problem of sour belching. Let's find out.
- Eat less spicy and oily foods. In pregnancy, women are usually advised to eat less spicy and oily foods. Reduce intake of caffeinated drinks. There should be a gap of at least 1 to 3 hours between your night meal and sleep.
- Sit in the correct posture while eating food. While eating, sit with your back straight. Stay hydrated. Walk for at least 15 minutes after eating. Eat after chewing food. Drink water slowly. Do not take any medicine without doctor's advice. Avoid smoking and drinking during pregnancy.
- Drink coconut water. It is rich in minerals. It helps in controlling the pH level. It gives relief from the problem of acidity. To reduce acidity, you can also drink coconut water during pregnancy.
- You can eat curd. It is rich in protein. It contains probiotics or say that it contains good bacteria. Curd is very good for your digestion. It reduces the acidity of the stomach. Due to this, there is no problem of constipation.
- Physical Activity – It is very important to do light exercise to fix the digestive system. Many times this type of problem also occurs due to sitting for hours at the same place. That's why do light exercise regularly.
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