Bollywood's bold and fearless actress Kangana Ranaut has been embroiled in controversies many times due to her statements. In 2020, a part of Kangana's Mumbai house was demolished by BMC. For which Kangana was very angry and she also gave many statements openly. In the same year, he was also given Y-plus security following his spat with Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut. On social media, Kangana's fans often question her about compensation.
In September 2020, a day after issuing notice to her, some part of Kangana's house-office was demolished due to illegal construction. At that time, the war of words was also going on between Kangana and Shiv Sena of Maharashtra. In such a situation, during a recent interview, Kangana questioned about the compensation for the demolition of a part of the house. On hearing what Kangana said, her fans will be very happy.
According to Kangana, she has not received any compensation, they were about to send her an evaluator. So now she met Shinde ji (current Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Sambhaji Shinde). Kangana further said that you only send me the evaluation. I don't want someone who has misused tax payers money, I don't want more compensation, that's fine.
She further added, “The court has said whatever compensation they have to give me but like I said, they never sent the assessors and I didn't demand because I know its taxpayers money and I don't want any of it Needed." Talking about work, Kangana Ranaut is currently working on Chandramukhi 2. This film is the next part of P Vasu starrer hit Tamil horror comedy Chandramukhi. Rajinikanth and Jyothika are also going to be seen in important roles in this film.
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