Very few people know that two kidneys are not required to be healthy. Only one kidney in the body can do things like taking out waste substances and regulating metabolism.
Kidney Donation: There are two kidneys in the human body. Its job is to clean the blood and remove waste materials from the body. Many times you must have heard the news of kidney donation, but do you know all the important things related to kidney donation. If not, then know here the rules, precautions and each and every thing of kidney donation.
Is one kidney enough for life?
According to health experts, when a person donates one of his kidneys, only one kidney remains. In one kidney, our body works more than normal. Due to this the function of a kidney increases and a person can live a normal life very comfortably. Doctors tell that in some people only one kidney works since birth and they easily live their life without any problem.
How does single kidney work?
Whenever a kidney is donated, there is a process for it. Laparoscopic technique is used for kidney removal surgery. Due to this, the risk of bleeding and infection is negligible to a great extent. After kidney donation, the donor is able to recover in one to three months. However, he does not have to stay in the hospital for long. Doctors advise to rest even while staying at home. The function of the one kidney that remains after donation increases and it starts working faster. Due to which it is easy to live a normal life. After donating the kidney, a careful examination should be done once in a year.
Are there any problems after donating kidney?
According to the health expert, if the kidney donor is healthy, then he will not face any further problem. If the kidney donor aged 30 to 40 years is absolutely healthy, then he will not have any kind of problem in the coming 20 to 25 years.
Is there a perfect age to donate kidney?
According to the doctor, adult age is considered the most perfect to donate kidney. Earlier, kidney was not accepted for people of 60 to 65 years of age, but now due to lack of donors, people can donate kidney even at this age. However, before this he has a complete body checkup.
How safe is kidney donation
Before kidney donation, there is a checkup of the body whether the donor is completely fit or not. If you are fit and do not have any serious illness then you can donate kidney. However, this whole process is a bit dangerous. While kidney donation is considered safe.
Precautions after donating kidney
- Avoid lifting heavy things for 6 weeks i.e. one and a half months after donating kidney.
- During this, heavy exercise and sports activities should be avoided.
- Donor should take special care of diet and lifestyle.
- Stay away from alcohol, caffeine and high protein foods.
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