According to the website of IOCL, the price of petrol is Rs 101.23, which is being sold in the black market for Rs 200 to Rs 300 per litre. At the same time, the price of diesel has also increased to more than Rs 200 per liter in the black market.
At present, the situation in Manipur is getting worse than that of Pakistan. While on the one hand, in the era of poverty and chaos, Pakistan has cut the price of fuel for the second time in 15 days. On the other hand, the price of petrol has become three expensive in Manipur. In fact, due to ethnic conflict in Manipur, the situation has worsened a lot. Water has become five times costlier. Many people had to take shelter as refugees in other states. Let us also tell you how the situation in Manipura has become worse than in Pakistan at present.
Fuel became 3 times costlier
Due to caste conflict, maximum impact is being seen in the price of fuel in the state. At present, the prices of petrol have reached the 7th sky. According to the website of IOCL, the price of petrol is Rs 101.23, which is being sold in the black market for Rs 200 to Rs 300 per litre. At the same time, the price of diesel has also increased to more than Rs 200 per liter in the black market. While according to the website of IOCL, the price is being seen at Rs 87.17 per litre.
100 rupees per liter of water
On the other hand, the prices of water have become even more expensive. Water supply has stopped in many cities including Imphal, the capital of Manipur. Because of which people have to depend on mineral water packed bottles for drinking water, but due to the struggle, the price of water has reached Rs 100 per liter due to low supply and high demand. The same water bottle was earlier available for Rs.20.
Reduced movement of petrol tanks
According to AS Singh, a senior doctor from Manipur, the condition of the people in the cities is continuously getting worse. Even now, people of different organizations are sitting on many roads by occupying them. According to petrol pump dealer City Dosh, the movement of fuel tankers has reduced considerably since last 15 days. Although we are selling petrol and diesel at government rates, but the petrol pumps located in the inner parts of the city are doing black marketing. Due to which there is more impact on the pocket of common people.
Home Ministry gave instructions to CM
On the other hand, in view of the problem of Manipur, the Ministry of Home Affairs is reviewing daily whether the belongings of common people are reaching or not. The Home Minister himself is discussing with the officers and the Chief Minister there everyday and is providing assistance from the Centre. Home Minister Amit Shah has given a direction to the Chief Minister on Monday to resolve the issue if a meeting is held between the two communities. The Home Ministry has told the state government that arrangements have been made to shift the casualties immediately and for this the Center is providing all kinds of assistance.
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