Parineeti Chopra On Wedding: The love story of Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha is nearing completion. Both have accepted their relationship in front of the world by getting engaged. A few months ago, when Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha stepped out of a restaurant together in Mumbai, everyone was in for a surprise. Although both of them kept silence on their relationship till the engagement. But everything had become known to the world.
The engagement is over, now Parineeti Chopra's fans are waiting for the wedding. When the wedding will happen, on which day, all this information has not come yet, but it is being said in the reports that Parineeti and Raghav can get married in October.
Even though the date of marriage has not been revealed, but the bride-to-be herself has given the information that the marriage will happen soon. Actually, Parineeti Chopra commented on an Instagram post of Priyanka Chopra and gave a hint that she will get married soon.
Parineeti's comment on Priyanka Chopra's post
Priyanka Chopra shared some pictures of Parineeti's engagement on Instagram. He had written, “Congratulations Tisha and Raghav… Eagerly waiting for the wedding. So happy for both of you and for the families. It was great meeting the family."
On this same post of Priyanka, Parineeti wrote, "Mimi didi - the time to fulfill the duty of bride maid is about to come." With this, he put an emoji of the heart expressing happiness and feeling of love.
Priyanka Chopra was involved in the engagement
Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha got engaged on May 13 in Delhi. Politicians including the CM of Delhi and Punjab participated in it. Apart from these, actress and Parineeti's cousin Priyanka Chopra also attended. Manish Malhotra also reached the engagement.
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