Apart from being a veteran leader or politician, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also known for his fitness. PM Modi has crossed the age of 70 but still he looks more active than the youth. It is said for PM Modi that he follows a healthy lifestyle to take care of his health. PM Modi's fitness is considered an example not only for the youth but for all.
Do you know what habits PM Modi adopts in his lifestyle to stay healthy? How PM Modi looks healthy and fit even at the age of 70. Let us tell you.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi considers yoga as the key to staying healthy. How beneficial yoga is for the body, PM Modi has mentioned it many times on Twitter or other social media platforms. In the year 2020, when the havoc of Corona started, even during that time the PM explained the importance of yoga to the people. PM said that yoga has been a part of my life for many years and I have also got many benefits from it.
During yesterday’s #MannKiBaat, someone asked me about my fitness routine during this time. Hence, thought of sharing these Yoga videos. I hope you also begin practising Yoga regularly. https://t.co/Ptzxb7R8dN
PM Modi believes in Ayurveda
PM Modi believes that along with yoga, we should have faith in Ayurveda. He believes that the world will soon accept the principles of Ayurveda as well. PM has appealed to the youth that they should come forward to explain its importance.
Do exercise in the morning
Here are moments from my morning exercises. Apart from Yoga, I walk on a track inspired by the Panchtatvas or 5 elements of nature - Prithvi, Jal, Agni, Vayu, Aakash. This is extremely refreshing and rejuvenating. I also practice
breathing exercises. #HumFitTohIndiaFit pic.twitter.com/km3345GuV2
Apart from PM Modi Yoga, PM Modi also follows the morning exercise routine. He mentioned this by tweeting in the year 2018. PM says that apart from yoga, he is inspired by the 5 elements of nature, earth, water, fire, air and light. That's why they follow the routine of breathing exercise early in the morning.
Healthy diet
It is said for PM Modi that he eats Satvik food. It is believed that he likes to eat things like poha in the morning breakfast. Apart from vegetarian food, PM Modi also consumes fruits to stay healthy. In order to stay healthy and fit, we should adopt exercise-exercise, yoga as well as good eating habits.
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