Todd Moriarty: Making money has its place and saving money has its place. It is not necessary that the person who earns money also saves. Many times it happens that due to expenses, people do not have money to save, while sometimes people spend money wildly, they do not even think of saving. However, saving must be done. This comes in handy in times of need. By the way, there are many people in the world who think about saving more and more. In such a situation, people start calling him stingy as well, but nowadays a person is in discussion, who has really crossed the limits of stinginess. Knowing his strange habits, people also beat their heads.
The name of the person is Todd Moriarty . He is a resident of America. There would be very few people in the world, who would be able to save 50% of their salary, but you would be surprised to know that Todd spends only 5% of his salary, he saves the remaining 95%.
Spends only 5% of salary
According to a report in the Daily Star, Todd told his story on TLC's Extreme Cheapskates. He says that he spends 3 lakh 70 thousand rupees in a year, which is only 5 percent of his salary and he saves the rest of the money by being stingy. They don't even have a wardrobe to keep clothes. He keeps his clothes in the fridge. Since his fridge is double door, he keeps food items on one side, while on the other side he keeps his clothes in bags.
Keeps clothes in fridge, not wardrobe
Not only this, Todd, a locomotive engineer by profession, rarely washes his clothes. They say that keeping the clothes in the fridge kills the bacteria and they remain wearable. According to reports, Todd has still kept his 15-year-old clothes and wears them. To save the cost of electricity and water, he washes his clothes with the same water and also heats his food with the same water. Not only this, he also uses that water again. You would have rarely seen someone being so stingy. This is the reason why people also call Todd 'Mahakanjus'.
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