Health tests for women: After the age of 30, the risk of many diseases increases in women. If the test is done on time, then the disease can be easily identified. Let us know which 3 tests must be done.
Health tests for women: Good lifestyle is necessary to prevent diseases. It is equally important to keep getting health checkups done at the right time. It is very important especially for women. This is because it becomes difficult for women to take care of their health amid the responsibilities of the house. In such a situation, there is a risk of many diseases. But there are some tests that identify some of the major diseases occurring in women.
Doctors say that every woman after the age of 30 must get some tests done. Due to this, diseases are detected in time. Let us tell you which are the three tests which must be done once in a year.
Breast and cervical cancer test
The risk of cervical and breast cancer is highest in women. After the age of 30, the risk of getting these cancers increases. In such a situation, screening should be done once a year to check for these cancers. Mammography test can be done to check for breast cancer. Pap smear test can be done to identify cervical cancer.
Test for thyroid
With increasing age in women, the risk of thyroid also increases. Thyroid profile test can be done to find out the increase or decrease of thyroid. This test must be done once in a year. If it is identified in time, then this disease can be controlled and serious condition can be avoided.
Cbc test
Women must also get the CBC test done. Through this test, the level of platelets, plasma and hemoglobin is known. Apart from this test, also get a vitamin test done. Nowadays, a lot of deficiency of Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 is being seen in women.