Agriculture Gender Equality: If this work is done in agriculture, then the world will benefit Rs 81,91,000 crore - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, June 17, 2023

Agriculture Gender Equality: If this work is done in agriculture, then the world will benefit Rs 81,91,000 crore

More than half of the population of India does agriculture. If both men and women start working equally in the agriculture sector, then the world's economy will be greatly benefited.

Half of India's population is engaged in agriculture. Along with the men, the women of the house also take an active part in this work. However, the participation of women in the agriculture sector is still low. Removing this inequality will not only benefit the world's economy. Rather, food security will also be available for a large population.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has recently published a report. In the report titled 'Status of Women in Agrifood System', it has been said that in the agriculture sector, if the difference in agricultural produce and wages on the basis of gender is eliminated, then only by doing this, 1 percent of the world's economy ie GDP can be added. will increase.

By bringing gender equality in the agriculture sector, there will be an addition of about $ 1 lakh crore (i.e. Rs 81,91,000 crore) in the world's GDP. This will be a step to improve global food insecurity by 2 percent at a time when 345 million people in the world are facing it. That means the number of people deprived of food security will remain 4.5 crore.

Victims of starvation doubled in 2020

According to a report by the World Food Programme, the number of people facing starvation this year is going to double as compared to 2020. 7 Major droughts, restrictions on food exports, supply disruptions from the war in Russia and Ukraine, and many other problems have served to increase this.

Russia and Ukraine are among the world's largest wheat producing countries. The war between the two countries started in February 2022, which is still going on. In protest against Russia's attack on Ukraine, many countries including America and Europe have imposed sanctions on it, due to which the supply of food grains has been interrupted all over the world.

Lauren M. Phillips, deputy director of the Division of Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality at FAO, also says that the agricultural system can be made sustainable by empowering women and eliminating factors that increase inequality.

In the same report, it has been said that in South Asia, working in agriculture is more important for the livelihood of women. Here it is important for the livelihood of 47 percent men and 71 percent women.

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