Amazing amazing! This person spends 300 days of the year sleeping, people call him - Kumbhakarna of real life - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Friday, June 16, 2023

Amazing amazing! This person spends 300 days of the year sleeping, people call him - Kumbhakarna of real life

Purkharam: People call Purkharam of Rajasthan as 'Kumbhakarna' of real life. He has a very rare sleep disorder called Axis Hypersomnia. For this reason, Purkharam spends 300 days of the year in sleep.

You must know about ' Kumbhakarna ' of Ramayana . The same character, who used to spend six months of the year just sleeping. This is the reason why people often taunt those who sleep late by calling them 'Kumbhakarna'. Well, leave these things. Today we are going to introduce you to a person who spends 300 days of the year sleeping. People call him Kumbhakarna of real life . Actually it is his compulsion. Let us know in detail what is the matter?

Here we are talking about Purkharam, who is a resident of Bhadwa village in Nagaur district of Rajasthan. He has a very rare sleep disorder called Axis Hypersomnia. For this reason, Purkharam spends 300 days of the year in sleep. Usually people sleep for a maximum of 9 hours a day. But if Purkharam takes a nap, he remains asleep for 25 days.

Purkharam takes bath and eats in his sleep

Studies have shown that axis hypersomnia is caused by fluctuations in a protein called TNF alpha within the human brain. According to media reports, this has been happening with Purkharam for the last 23 years. If they fall asleep, the family members have to chew gram to wake them up. The family has to feed and bathe them in their sleep.

Purkharam has his own grocery shop in the village, but due to illness, he can open it only for five days in a month. Because, no one has any idea of ​​when he might take a nap while sitting. In the beginning, when Purkharam started spending 15 hours a day only sleeping, his family members started worrying. After this it came to know that he is suffering from a rare disease, which is incurable.

Purkharam's mother is sitting with hope

With time, the duration of his sleep also started increasing. Purkharam started sleeping for hours. Then it happened for several days. Despite all the difficulties, Purkharam's wife Lichmi Devi and his mother Kanwari Devi are hopeful that one day they will definitely recover and lead a normal life again.

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