Not only India but Asia's richest businessman Mukesh Ambani is doing a big planning near Delhi NCR. They are going to set up a world class city in this area. It will be a kind of smart city. Reliance Industries' subsidiary company Model Economic Township is going to build its smart city. MET City is being constructed in Haryana's Jhajjar near Gurgaon, a big economic sector of Delhi NCR. According to the information, a greenfield city is being developed here. This city is being built on 8,000 acres of land. Basic infra like 220 KV power substation, water supply network and treatment plant and network of roads are already in place.
Japan's four giants will be strong
At present, the new Reliance Smart City is also being called the new home of 4 Japanese companies, where giants like Nihon Kohen, Panasonic, Denso and T-Suzuki will be there. The manufacturing unit of Nihon Cohen will be its largest manufacturing unit in India. MET City is also the Japanese Industrial Township. According to SV Goyal, CEO of MET City, the company has over 400 industrial customers. They have created a "Walk-to-Work Masterplan" in "one of the fastest growing greenfield smart cities in North India". The city also provides plug-n-play infrastructure to companies that set up units there.
These facilities will be present in the city
Key highlights of the new Reliance City include strong connectivity to Delhi, Gurugram, Noida and other cities in the sector. The city is strategically located along the Kundli Manesar Palwal (KMP) Expressway and near the Indira Gandhi International Airport of New Delhi. It will have rail connectivity with Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor i.e. Dedicated Freight Corridor of DMIC. According to the MET City website, the freehold land is completely ready for immediate development. In terms of education facility, SGT University and former cricketer Virender Sehwag's educational campus Sehwag School is very close to the city and AIIMS facility is very close to MIT city.
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