Eye Care: To protect the eyes from bad weather, take care in this way in summer, there will be no problem of irritation and redness - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Sunday, June 18, 2023

Eye Care: To protect the eyes from bad weather, take care in this way in summer, there will be no problem of irritation and redness

As the heat increases, it will be equally important to take care of the eyes because carelessness with it can harm the health. Eye care is very important in the summer season.

The summer season has set in, the sun has started showing its attitude and there is no sign of respite in sight. In such a situation, it is very important to take special care of the eyes. Harmful ultraviolet rays coming from the sun can unknowingly put your eyes in danger in summer. Due to which there can be problems of burning, redness, itching in the eyes. As the heat increases, it will be equally important to take care of the eyes because carelessness with it can harm the health. Eye care is very important in the summer season. Due to rising temperature, sunlight and dust, the eyes can face more infections, dryness and stress. Let us give you some information about this, which will help you to take care of your eyes in the rising heat. 

Why do eyes suffer in summer?

Eyes are a sensitive part of our body. It cannot bear the heat much. For this reason, the hot winds blowing during summer can affect the eyes. Along with this, the air becomes dry during the summer days and at the same time the particles of dust and other pollution start flying in the air, which when they come in contact with the eyes become the cause of the problem.

Eye symptoms in summer

Heat affects the eyes in different ways, hence its symptoms are also of many types.

1. Frequent watering of eyes

2. Redness of eyes after coming from outside

3. Inability to see properly in sunlight

4. Headache due to sunlight

5. Burning and itching in eyes due to dust and dirt

6. Dryness in the eyes

7. Watery eyes

How to protect eyes from heat

In summer, the way we adopt different methods to protect our skin and hair from heat and sun, in the same way some methods have to be adopted to protect the eyes as well. Because it is very important to take care of the eyes in summer. To avoid this, you can take these measures. 

1. Wash eyes with clean water from time to time

2. Wear dark glasses while going out

3. Do not go to dusty places

4. Stay at home as much as possible in the afternoon

5. Keep eyes on the face Do not allow sweating around (keep cleaning with clean cloth)

6. Do not touch the eyes repeatedly with hands

7. Get the doctor checked from time to time

Protect eyes from bright light

To keep the eyes safe in summer, first of all protect your eyes from bright light. For this, wear sun glasses before stepping out of the house. If you do not like wearing sunglasses, then you can cover your eyes using things like umbrella, scarf, cap. 

Keep the body hydrated

To keep the eyes safe in summer, first of all keep your body hydrated. For this, drink at least 8 to 9 glasses of water in a day. At the same time, eat fruits in this season, this will keep your body hydrated. 

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