Human Walking: Didn't humans walk like today millions of years ago? New study of scientists came in front - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Monday, June 12, 2023

Human Walking: Didn't humans walk like today millions of years ago? New study of scientists came in front

Can you imagine that humans also used to walk on the earth like animals earlier. Believe me, this is not a matter of science fiction. Rather, a scientist from Harvard University has shared shocking information on the basis of research.

All the things that we see on earth today have some or the other history. History of trees and plants, history of animals, history of food and drink, history of dress, clothing, history of art and culture, history of reading and writing and even the history of movement of humans and animals . of Human Walk) . Yes, walking history. Surely you can be shocked after reading this.

But believe me, scientists have done new research and told that millions of years ago humans did not walk on the earth like today. They either used their hands like animals like their feet or they must have been sitting and crawling on the ground. Man recognized the ability to move in his body much later and gradually developed it like today.

Which scientist did this study

The study's lead author is Stephanie Pierce , professor of biology and evolutionary biology at Cambridge University and now at Harvard University . Stephanie Pierce has told Science Focus that the history of humans walking is millions of years old. From the beginning, humans did not walk on the earth like today.

He also said that humans did not develop the style of walking on the earth. Rather, millions of years ago, animals of large size had developed the method of moving around on the earth. Stephanie Pierce points out that to arrive at the true facts we have to understand evolutionary theory.

Even before, research has been done on the walking of humans.

In the year 2012, a study related to this topic was also published in Nature magazine. In that study, it was told that in the initial stage humans used to move forward by dragging themselves on the earth. In the later period, when the trend of hunting for food increased, then in order to throw stones or use weapons, they must have stood on their feet.

The new study suggests that Tyrannosaurus Rex or other dinosaurs definitely walked. Modern humans probably learned to walk long after the extinction of the dinosaurs, 66 million years ago.

When did humans start walking on two legs?

According to scientists, apes started walking straight about 6 million years ago. Later on many changes took place in the physical structure of the ancestors. With the change of hormones, the organs get new shape. Due to which knee, ankle, elbow, waist etc developed. Changes in the skull and spine enabled humans to stand upright.

When did it come to walk on two legs?

When and how humans started walking straight on the earth is still a question full of mysteries. According to the theory of Charles Darwin, probably to start using weapons, humans would have started walking when they used hands.

As we know through ancient history books that our ancestors used tools for food and survival. Of course they used hands to carry food. Even standing and walking straight would have helped.

Patricia Kramer, professor of anthropology at the University of Washington , has told that among all the animals on earth, the human body is the most energetic and flexible to walk and stand. The human brain is also more imaginative than other living beings. That's why he developed himself in a special way in comparison to animals.

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