The RBI governor said in a media statement on Thursday that by March 31, 2023, out of a total of 3.62 lakh crore notes, about 50 per cent of the total 2,000 notes, ie 1.80 lakh crore notes have been deposited in banks.
During the monetary policy meeting of RBI on Thursday i.e. June 8, Governor Shaktikanta Das has been advised that Rs 2000 notes can also be easily deposited or exchanged in banks and people will not have to face any problem. In such a situation, those people who still have 2000 rupee notes must accept this appeal of the RBI governor, otherwise they will have to face trouble in the later days, as well as may have to repent. So let us also tell you what advice the RBI Governor has given to the common people.
RBI Governor's advice
RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das has appealed to the common people not to wait for the September 30 deadline to exchange/deposit Rs 2,000 notes and not panic at all. RBI clearly said that after that there is enough currency to give notes of other denominations instead of Rs 2000 notes. That's why do not panic at all, do not make any haste, but do not keep 2000 rupee notes with you even till the deadline of September.
500 rupee note will not stop
Furthermore, Shaktikanta Das put an end to those speculations and clearly stated that the RBI is considering withdrawing Rs 500 notes or re-introducing Rs 1,000 notes. Last month, the RBI had decided to withdraw the Rs 2,000 note from the system. The country's central bank has announced that the last date for exchange or deposit of Rs 2,000 bank notes is 30 September 2023. However, even after that date, the notes will continue to be applicable as legal tender.
More than 50 percent returned to the system
The RBI governor said in a media statement on Thursday that by March 31, 2023, out of a total of 3.62 lakh crore notes, about 50 per cent of the total 2,000 notes, ie 1.80 lakh crore notes have been deposited in banks. Governor Das said that roughly 85 per cent of the total Rs 2,000 notes have returned to banks as deposits and the rest have been exchanged. A Reuters report revealed that nearly three-quarters of Indians prefer to deposit Rs 2,000 notes in a bank account rather than exchange them for smaller denominations.
Banks are getting more deposits than exchange
India's largest government lender SBI received Rs 2000 notes worth Rs 17 thousand crore from May 23 to the first week of June. Out of which Rs 14,000 crore was exchanged as deposit. Apart from this, officials of Bank of Baroda, Union Bank of India and Bank of India also said that 80 per cent to 90 per cent note deposits have taken place. Kotak Mahindra Bank has received Rs 3,000 crore notes of Rs 2,000 till May 30.
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