Indonesia New Capital: Jakarta will drown soon, this will be the new capital of Indonesia - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, June 10, 2023

Indonesia New Capital: Jakarta will drown soon, this will be the new capital of Indonesia

The weather is changing. Global temperature is increasing. Due to this the glaciers are melting. Their water is getting mixed in the sea. Sea level is rising. If all this continues at this pace, then many cities will be erased from the map of the world.

We must have heard words like global warming, climate change, ozone layer, high concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at some time in your life. Its discussions keep happening in the country and abroad. But do you know how important it is. Earth is getting warmer due to global warming. Glaciers are melting. When there is an increase in the global temperature, the destructive form of nature is seen. Due to this, disasters like severe storms, floods, forest fires, droughts, severe and heat waves increase. Even more worrying is that the sea level is rising continuously. If it continues to grow in this direction, then there will be a danger of drowning of the coastal countries.

Recently, an information came to the fore that Indonesia is changing its capital. Now its capital is in Jakarta. But this city is often surrounded by natural calamities. Sometimes earthquake here and sometimes flood. Often something or the other happens here. But the problem is not this. It is not that because of this the government here is thinking of changing the capital. Actually, Jakarta is situated on the Java Sea coast. It is slowly getting absorbed in the sea. Because sea level is rising. The reason behind this is global warming. Many powerful countries of the world have tried to stop the increase in global temperature in the global forum.

Growing crowd in Jakarta

The Indonesian government is afraid of the sinking of Jakarta. That is why the island of Borneo has been selected for the capital. If reports are to be believed, it will be inaugurated by next year. Although it will take at least 20 years to get ready. The situation in Jakarta is not good. The crowd is increasing very fast here. The population of Jakarta is more than one crore. There is also a big problem of traffic and pollution here.

Jakarta will drown by 2050!

Indonesian officials say that the new capital will be a Forest City. Our target is zero carbon emission by 2045. We have to achieve it somehow. But environmental experts have warned the government. They argue that when you convert a forested area into a city, trees will have to be cut on a large scale here. Due to this, there will be danger for nature, animals and people who live in the forest. It is being said that by 2050, up to 75 percent of Jakarta will be submerged in water.

Water level increased by 30 cm all over the world

Many years ago, when the science journal Geophysical Research Letters came in front of the world, the senses were blown away. It was written in clear words that if the water level of the sea continues to rise at this rate, then the world should be ready for a big catastrophe. The sea level will rise up to 30 cm all over the world. Researchers from Australia presented a figure. It was written that between 1870-2004 the sea level has increased by 19.5 cm. In the last 50 years, the water level has increased the fastest. An international panel has also issued a report. In this, it was told that between 1990 and 2100 the sea level can increase from 9 to 88 cm.

Due to global warming

Earlier, a report of the Inland Panel on Climate Change also said that between 1990 and 2100, the level of sea water could rise between 9 cm to 88 cm. Now there is no doubt that global warming is behind it. That is, the temperature of the earth is increasing all over the world. Behind this is the increase in the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. Efforts are going on all over the world to stop this. If there is an increase in the global temperature, then it is obvious that the heating will increase. This will melt glaciers. The sea level will rise and the temperature of the water will also increase. Climate scientists say that to stop this, emissions of gases have to be reduced. If this continues at this speed, then the danger will increase.

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