In Hinduism, Lord Shri Krishna is such a deity, who is considered as Purnavatar. Devotion to Lord Krishna is considered to remove all the sorrows and problems related to life in the blink of an eye. In the Sanatan tradition, many methods have been prescribed for the worship of Banshee Bajaiya, the name of Krishna, whose name is removed and all the wishes of a person are fulfilled. It is believed that if a person worships Kanha by offering his favorite things and performs these measures, Krishna's blessings shower on him all the time and he gets all the happiness of the world.
In the Sanatan tradition, there is a law to chant the mantra associated with that deity to get the blessings of any deity and to fulfill one's wish. In such a situation, if you worship Lord Shri Krishna, then you should chant the mantra 'Om Shrikrishnay Namah' daily with full devotion and faith in his worship. It is believed that on chanting this mantra, Lord Shri Krishna comes running to save his devotees from trouble. Chanting this mantra of Kanha fulfills all the wishes of his devotees.
According to mythological belief, Lord Krishna loved the flute very much, due to which he often used to carry his flute with him. This is the reason why his devotees call him by the name of Bansi Bajaiya. According to Hindu belief, if a person offers his beloved flute to Lord Krishna in worship, he will soon become pleased and take away all his sorrows.
Like a flute, Lord Krishna loved the peacock and its feathers very much. In such a situation, if a person specially offers peacock feathers to Lord Shri Krishna in his worship, then his wishes are fulfilled soon. It is believed that if someone has Kalsarp Dosh in his horoscope, he should keep a peacock feather under his bed in worship of Lord Shri Krishna to get rid of the troubles associated with it. It is believed that by doing this remedy, a person gets to see a big change in his life very soon.
According to Hindu belief, if a deity is offered food of his favorite thing, then he becomes very happy and showers his blessings on the seeker. In such a situation, if you want the blessings of Kanha, then you must offer Tulsi leaf along with his favorite bhog i.e. Makkhan, Mishri, Charanamrit, Laddu etc. in his worship.
If you have not yet been able to get the happiness of a child, or even after having a child, you are not able to get his happiness, then you must worship Lord Krishna daily. It is believed that if a person recites Santan Gopal Mantra in the worship of Kanha, then he definitely gets the happiness of having children.
(The information given here is based on religious beliefs and public beliefs, there is no scientific evidence for it. It has been presented here keeping in mind the general public interest.)
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