The Supreme Court has refused to give an urgent hearing to a plea challenging the Delhi High's May 29 judgment allowing exchange of Rs 2,000 notes without any identification. Justices Sudhanshu Dhulia and KV Vishwanathan told advocate Ashwini Upadhyay, who appeared in person, that the court is not taking up such matters during holidays and you can always mention it to the Chief Justice of India.
Plead back
Upadhyay said before the court that kidnappers, gangsters, drug dealers etc. are getting their 2000 rupee notes exchanged in their banks. According to media reports, an exchange of Rs 50,000 crore has taken place in the last one week. The court is requested to conduct an immediate hearing in this matter. The bench reiterated that he can say in front of the chief that the bench is not doing anything and bring this matter to the notice of RBI first.
Come to court after vacation
Upadhyay insisted that money is being exchanged by minors, kidnappers, neither demand slip nor ID proof is required. Upadhyay said this is happening for the first time in the world. He said that a writ was also filed in the Delhi High Court and the High Court dismissed the case without issuing any notice. This is happening for the first time in the world. Upadhyay said, the entire black money will turn white. The bench has given permission to Upadhyay to present the matter after vacation.
The petition was dismissed in the High Court
Earlier on Monday, the Delhi High Court dismissed a plea challenging the RBI and SBI notifications that allowed exchange of old Rs 2,000 notes without any ID proof. A bench of Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and Justice Subramaniam Prasad said that the RBI's decision is related to the withdrawal of Rs 2000 notes from circulation and for this, three months have been given to people to deposit and exchange Rs 2000 notes on September 30. given time. Along with this, it has been said that it should remain a legal tender. So there is no issue of demonetization in this.
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