Troubled by the heat, if you take bath again and again, then listen to its serious consequences. - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Monday, June 19, 2023

Troubled by the heat, if you take bath again and again, then listen to its serious consequences.

Taking frequent baths in summer can damage the skin barrier. Due to which bacteria can start growing. Due to this, you can quickly fall prey to skin infection.

Bathing In Summer: The summer heat continues in many states of North India. The temperature has increased so much that there is no relief to the people far and wide. Some people are dependent on AC and cooler. So some people are taking bath again and again to avoid the heat. It would not be wrong to say that taking a shower in the summer season gives a lot of relief. It is right for some time but there is a feeling of coolness. In such a situation, people like to take bath in the afternoon, evening, midnight before sleeping. If you are also doing or doing this, then the relief of some time can become the cause of trouble for you. Yes, it can harm your health. Let us know what is the harm to the health by taking bath again and again.

Harmful effects of frequent bathing

1. If you are taking bath again and again in summer then it may cause skin problems. Your skin's natural oil can end. Due to this, there may be problems of itching, burning, dryness in your skin.

2. Some good bacteria are present in our skin to keep it healthy. In such a situation, if we take bath again and again, then these good bacteria start getting destroyed, due to which many health problems can arise.

3. Frequent bathing can damage the barrier of the skin, due to which bacteria can start growing. Due to this, you can quickly fall prey to skin infection.

4. Frequent bathing can also weaken your hair. The natural oil of the hair can get over and dryness can increase in the hair.

5. People whose immunity is weak, if they take bath repeatedly in the summer season, then they can fall ill. There can also be a risk of fever and cold. In such a situation, frequent bathing should be avoided.

6. On the other hand, some people bathe with antibacterial soap as well, in such a situation, they do not realize that these soaps destroy bad bacteria as well as good bacteria, which can cause damage to the skin.

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