US made a law to withdraw the status of developing country of which big country? See important questions and answers for the exam - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, June 17, 2023

US made a law to withdraw the status of developing country of which big country? See important questions and answers for the exam

World Current Affairs:
This bill came in the US Parliament House of Representatives in the month of March, which was passed unanimously. 415 MPs voted in favor of this bill. Not a single vote was cast against it.

General Knowledge: Command over current affairs is very important for the preparation of competitive exams. For the preparation of World Current Affairs, America has approved such a law, which will take away the status of China's developing country. This step of America will weaken China's economy. World Bank, IMF and other institutions will no longer give him money at cheap interest rates. China is known for taking cheap loans from these institutions and giving loans to small countries on its own terms.

This bill came in the US Parliament House of Representatives in the last March, which was passed unanimously. 415 MPs voted in favor of this bill. Not a single vote was cast against it. It rarely happens in America that all MPs agree on a bill. But, in the case of China, everyone became one.

Got approval from the Senate as well

Now this bill has also got approval from the Senate. Now only President Joe Biden's formal approval remains. It is believed that very soon this bill will be in front of the world in the form of law and after that many restrictions on China will be implemented afresh.

It has been possible to bring this bill against China on the initiative of the Foreign Relations Committee of the US Senate. After the implementation of this law, no international organization will be able to give any kind of concession to China in terms of economic or technology.

The US Parliament believes that China is now the second largest economy in the world. In such a situation, he should not be given any kind of facility. China has invested billions of dollars in small countries. In such a situation, it would be appropriate to take away the status of a developing country from it. The US Parliament also admitted that China is misusing this status.

It is believed that America has taken this step after China's bullying. China took cheap loans and distributed loans to poor countries at expensive rates. As a result, dozens of poor countries have been caught in its web. Now China is taking over their land and government projects. Many such examples exist.

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