Milk For Skin: Skin care becomes a bit difficult in the summer season. But taking care of the skin in this season is as important as we take care of our physical health. Skin damage can occur due to prolonged exposure to the UV rays of the sun. This is the reason why skin experts recommend applying sunscreen during the summer season to avoid skin damage.
Keeping glowing skin is a bit difficult in this season. But with milk you can make your skin shine like glass. There are many such elements in milk, which help in repairing the skin texture. The anti-inflammatory elements present in milk remove the redness and rashes of the skin. Its oxidants reduce aging. Let's know how to use it in skin care.
Milk cleanser
Due to roaming around throughout the day, dust and dirt get accumulated on the face. The face turns black if soil remains on the face for a long time. You can use milk to bring glow to the face. Clean your face by dipping cotton in raw milk. After this wash the face with water. This will remove all the dirt from your face.
Milk face pack
You can also use face pack made of milk on the face. To prepare the mask, mix milk and honey in equal quantity. After this, apply this pack on your face for about 15 to 20 minutes. After this wash your face.
Milk and Oatmeal Scrub
Take oatmeal and milk in equal quantity and mix them well. Mix these two and apply on your face. Wash your face after scrubbing with light hands.
Milk and turmeric face pack
Mix a pinch of turmeric in one spoon of milk and apply it on your face. Wash your face thoroughly after 15 to 20 minutes. A glass-like glow will appear in your skin.
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