Meta constantly brings new features to improve the experience of WhatsApp users. Now preparations are on to introduce a new feature for video messages as well. According to reports, very soon users will be able to send messages by recording videos like voice notes . Currently, this feature is available on the Android and iOS beta versions of the instant messaging app. Users will be able to send short videos of 60 seconds. Let us tell you that the way you share video files now, the new feature is not like that. Let us see what is the difference between these two.
According to WABetaInfo, a portal that monitors new features and updates of WhatsApp, the new feature will allow sending video messages faster than before. This will make it much easier to interact between the users. Apart from this, it will also help in improving the experience of WhatsApp users.
Testing of video message feature
The new video message feature is currently being tested on the beta channel. It is expected that very soon this feature will be released to the common people as well. Video messages are an important means of giving real-time information. Suppose you have gone on a trip, then you can make a video of the beautiful views there and share it with your loved ones.
Video message feature will work like this
To record video under the new feature of WhatsApp, you have to tap on the microphone. You will be able to change the microphone shown in the chat bar to video mode. After this keep the camera hold and the video message will continue to be recorded. This feature is end-to-end encrypted. That is, the way the voice note message is recorded, the video will also be recorded in the same way.
Something like this will be the video message feature. (Credit: WABetaInfo)
Video message feature
You can forward and save pre-recorded video files. However, video messages cannot be forwarded or shared. However, if you have not sent the video message as a 'view once' message, you can screen record or take a screenshot of the message. This feature is available on Android and iOS beta versions.
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