Yoga day 2023: If hair is falling then do these three yogasanas, the effect will be seen in a few days - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Yoga day 2023: If hair is falling then do these three yogasanas, the effect will be seen in a few days

Yoga asanas For hair fall:
Nowadays the problem of hair fall is increasing in both men and women. You can overcome this problem through some yogasanas.

International Yoga day 2023: The problem of hair loss is increasing due to lack of vitamins in the body and lack of attention to food. Both men and women are falling prey to it. To get rid of this problem, people take many types of medicines. Many types of oils and creams are also used, but still there is no benefit. But if you do yoga daily , then this problem can be controlled to a great extent.

Let us know from the yoga guru that by doing which three asanas, the problem of hair fall can be controlled.

Face down posture

Yoga guru Dr. Bharat Bhushan explains that the downward-facing posture is very beneficial for hair growth. While doing this asana, your head should remain downward. The flow of blood in its head increases. This is to help improve your hair growth. This controls hair fall to a great extent.


By doing Ustrasana posture, the growth of hair increases and it also strengthens the hair. By doing this daily, the supply of oxygen in things improves. To do this asana, you have to sit on the knees on the yoga mat. After this, keep your hands on the hips. During this, your knees and shoulders should be in the same line and the soles of the feet should be facing upwards. During this, you have to take breath inward and take your spine forward. During this, pressure should be felt on your navel.


Uttanasana is also very beneficial for hair growth and preventing hair fall. To do this yogasana, you have to bow your head down while doing this asana. Try to bring the head till the feet and during this bend the back. By doing this, the flow of blood goes towards the head. Due to which there is more supply of blood and oxygen in the brain. Which helps in your hair growth.

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