Children's skin is very soft. If it is not taken care of properly or the wrong product is used then how dire the result can be. You can't even imagine this. One such case has come to the fore. In which a company has been accused that a person has got cancer due to its powder. Now the court has ordered the company to pay a fine of 154 crores. How did all this happen and now what does the company have to say on this matter. Let us tell you.
Actually the matter is of the famous company Johnson & Johnson. This company is known all over the world for making powder for children. In the latest case, a US court has ordered the company to pay a fine of Rs 154 crore to a person. This man had sued the company alleging that Johnson & Johnson baby powder had caused him cancer.
This is the whole matter
The case is of America where a person named Anthony Hernandez Valadez. This person accused the company by filing a case. Valadez alleges that he used Johnson & Johnson baby powder since childhood. He got cancer because of this powder. Valadez told the court that due to long-term use of this powder, he had developed cancer called mesothelioma near his chest.
The company clarified
Although the company has given clarification in the court. Johnson & Johnson officials said that the company's powder is completely safe as it is packaged and sold in special white bottles. After this kind of safety no one can get cancer from our product. The company further said that they want a settlement with the case to avoid legal fees and other expenses of the case.
Already fined
Even before this, there have been some cases regarding Johnson & Johnson products in which the company had to pay damages. Although in earlier cases also the company had removed the products from the market citing the decline in sales. In this case too, the victim had to fight a long battle of about two years. After two years of fighting, the court has ordered the company to pay a fine of Rs 154 crore while giving its verdict.