Heart diseases: Do this work once a week, the health of the heart will be good, the risk of attack will also reduce. - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News

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Heart diseases: Do this work once a week, the health of the heart will be good, the risk of attack will also reduce.

Heart disease: The cases of heart attack are continuously increasing. Cases of cardiovascular disease are coming in people at an early age. In such a situation, doctors have given tips for prevention.

Like cancer and diabetes, cases of heart disease are also increasing rapidly in India. Heart diseases are becoming a major cause of death. People are getting heart attacks at an early age and in many cases it is causing instant death. However, there are some ways by which you can prevent heart diseases. In this, even one day's exercise in a week can reduce the risk of heart disease. This disclosure has been made in a recent research.

According to the research of Harvard Medical School, people who had exercised even once a week. There have been fewer cases of diseases like heart attack, heart failure among them. In this research, the routine of 9 thousand people was seen. People whose lifestyle included exercise, the risk of heart diseases was found to be less as compared to other people.

Do this exercise

Any light exercise like jogging, cycling and swimming is also included for exercise. By doing this type of exercise, the cardiovascular function of the body remains strong, which also reduces the risk of heart related diseases. Even with one or two days of exercise, the flow of blood in the heart remains fine. Due to this, the level of cholesterol in the body also remains under control. In such a situation, the risk of heart attack is less.

Heart attack cases are increasing due to these reasons

Dr. Ajit Jain, surgeon in the Cardiology Department at Rajiv Gandhi Hospital in Delhi, says that there has been a lot of change in the food pattern of people in the last few years. Now people eat more fast food. Lifestyle has also become very bad. Waking up late at night has become a habit. All these things are increasing the diseases of the heart. People are advised to take care of their diet. Heart diseases can be prevented to a great extent by eating right.