Aap ki Adalat: In India TV's famous show 'Aap Ki Adalat', Leader of Congress Party and Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhary reached. During this, he answered the sharp questions of Rajat Sharma, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of India TV. During this, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhary answered the questions asked on different issues with impunity. Responding to Rajat Sharma's question, he said that Manipur is a global issue. A bill on this was brought in the French Parliament when Prime Minister Narendra Modi had gone to France to receive a big award. This was also discussed in the United Nations.
What is the solution to the Manipur issue?
He suggested that a meeting of all party people should be called. Leaders of all parties including BJP, Congress should go to Manipur together and say that we all are with Manipur. This is how the issue of Manipur can be resolved. In response to another question, he said that if Sonia Gandhi had said yes, she would have become the Prime Minister in the year 2004. Had Rahul Gandhi said yes, he would have become the Prime Minister, but the Congress party made Manmohan Singh the Prime Minister. Regarding Priyanka Gandhi, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhary said that Priyanka Gandhi has completely entered politics. He made a stormy entry in Himachal Pradesh and won the party in Himachal Pradesh.
Rahul Gandhi is a wise man
In response to another question, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhary said that those who called Rahul Gandhi as Pappu have an advice. There is a difference between Rahul Gandhi and the Prime Minister. When the Prime Minister goes abroad, he needs a teleprompter in which the Prime Minister's speech is written. When Rahul Gandhi goes abroad, he speaks without teleprompter. They don't need crutches like teleprompters. Regarding Rahul Gandhi, he said that Rahul Gandhi is a good, honest and knowledgeable person. Many of his talks are presented in a distorted manner. On flying kiss, he said that flying kiss is a sign of love. If you find fault, you will find fault everywhere.
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