Amazing! Woman sold house to get plastic surgery, life story is very strange! - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, August 19, 2023

Amazing! Woman sold house to get plastic surgery, life story is very strange!

A woman named Victoria Marsh is in a lot of discussion nowadays and that is because she sold her house to get her breast surgery done. After undergoing surgery, she now lives in a rented house with her husband and children.

What people do not do to enhance beauty. Many types of creams and powders are used, and many times they also try indigenous and home remedies. Apart from this, some people, who have money, do not hesitate to get plastic surgery done. You must have also heard about many such people, who have tried to change their look through plastic surgery. Nowadays one such woman is in discussion, who has done plastic surgery to enhance her beauty, but the surprising thing is that she sold her own house to get this surgery done.

The name of the woman is Victoria Marsh . 33-year-old Victoria has shared her life story, knowing which people are also surprised. According to Mirror's report, Victoria told that she has undergone breast reduction surgery. Earlier her breasts were very big, in such a situation she often had to face a lot of problems. Often there was pain in his chest. Whenever she used to lift her child in her lap, she used to feel pain in her chest.

clothes did not fit

Apart from this, there was also a problem that they could not get their fitting clothes. Due to her enlarged breast, she did not feel confident in any clothes. Then she thought that whatever happens, she will continue to undergo surgery and reduce her breast size.

house sold for surgery

Now since lakhs of rupees were needed to get the surgery done, but he did not have the money. Victoria told that her husband works in the sales department of a company, but he too is not able to save enough money from his job to have breast surgery. In such a situation, after a lot of thought, Victoria decided to sell her house. Now it is not known for how much he sold his house, but Victoria definitely told that 10 lakh rupees have been spent in his surgery. She says that now her life is passing very comfortably. However, now he has to live in a rented house.

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