Car Tips: Do you park your car in the sun? Improve this habit, otherwise your life will be in trouble - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Car Tips: Do you park your car in the sun? Improve this habit, otherwise your life will be in trouble

Car Tips: You also want that the car should always be fit and fine, so next time before parking the car in the sun, know the disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is such that it can also prove to be fatal.

Car Tips: The summer season is going on and the scorching heat has a direct impact on the health of your car, the effect of which can be clearly seen. Many times we park the car at such a place where there is direct sunlight, due to which you will not see its effect today, but gradually the effect of sunlight starts appearing on the car. Today we will tell you that after all, if you park the car in the sun, then how your car gets damaged and how this damage can also put your life in danger.

Tire wear out

Do you know that tires get hot while driving a car? If your answer is yes, then you are aware of this, then you should also know that when you park the car in the sun, the heat already present in the tire starts increasing even more. The increase of heat in the tires is neither good for your car nor for you, not only due to increase in the heat in the tyres, the life of the tires starts decreasing, but the tires also wear out quickly.

This is the reason why you must have often heard cases of tire bursting while driving, tire bursting while driving can also prove to be fatal. In such a situation, we would advise you to avoid parking the car in the sun and to increase the life of the car and to prevent heat from being generated, Nitrogen Air should be inserted in the tire instead of normal air.

Engine is affected

Not only the tires of the car but also the engine of the car is affected by sunlight, you must know that the engine of the car gets very hot while driving. In such a situation, if the car is parked in the sun, instead of cooling down the engine starts heating up even more in the sun. Affecting the engine means reducing the life of the car, due to the engine being hot all the time, not only the belts fitted in the car but also the piston rings also get damaged.


Due to parking the car in the sun, the temperature of the car's cabin starts increasing manifold, due to the increase in the temperature of the car's cabin, the possibility of spoilage of things like rubber parts, plastic and seat cover in the cabin starts increasing.