Chandrayaan 3: Is there gold on the moon... When did man step for the first time? Know interesting facts before landing of Chandrayaan-3 - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Chandrayaan 3: Is there gold on the moon... When did man step for the first time? Know interesting facts before landing of Chandrayaan-3

Chandrayaan 3 Landing:
India's third lunar mission 'Chandrayaan-3' will make a soft landing on the Moon on 23 August. Meanwhile, let us know some very interesting facts about this natural satellite (moon) of the earth.

Interesting Facts About Moon: India's much-awaited third lunar mission 'Chandrayaan-3' is just a few delays away from soft landing on the Moon. Its soft landing will be done on the south pole of the Moon by ISRO on the evening of 23 August. In the midst of the countdown to the soft landing of Chandrayaan-3, let us know some interesting things related to the Moon.

What is the distance of Moon from Earth? 

According to the website, the Moon is an average of 238,855 miles (384,400 km) from Earth, which is about the same distance as 30 Earths. When the Moon is farthest from Earth, it is about 252,088 miles (about 405,696 km) away, which is equivalent to 32 Earths. At the same time, when it is closest to the Earth, its distance is 225,623 miles (about 363,105 kilometers), which means a distance equal to 28-29 Earths.

How many hours a day is there on the moon?

According to the information given on the website, one day of the Moon is equal to 29.53 days of the Earth. If the calculation is done in hours, then there is a day of 708.7 hours on the moon. 

Moon's soil smells like gunpowder

Between July 1969 and December 1972, America ran a big Apollo program as a lunar mission. During that time 12 people of America gained the experience of stepping on the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first man and Gene Cernan was the last man to walk on the moon.

According to an article published on the website on January 30, 2006, astronaut Gene Cernan of the American mission Apollo 17 told how the dust of the moon smells. He told that it smells like used gunpowder. He said that there is such a smell as if someone has just fired a carbine. 

How much is the temperature on the moon?

According to information from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), a robotic NASA spacecraft, near the lunar equator, daytime temperatures reach 250 °F (120 °C), while nighttime temperatures drop to minus 208 °F (-130 °C). °C) is reached. The poles of the Moon are even colder. 

There is a spot in the floor of the Moon's Hermite Crater, which was found to have a temperature of minus 410 °F (-250 °C), making it the coldest temperature ever measured anywhere in the Solar System. Extremely cold regions like Hermite Crater have been found at the bottom of several permanently shadowed craters at the Moon's south pole, as measured on winter nights. 

How old is the Moon?

According to information given on , the main theory of the origin of the Moon is that about 4.5 billion years ago a body the size of Mars collided with the Earth. Debris from both the Earth and the meteorite accreted to form our natural satellite, the Moon, 239,000 miles (384,000 km) away. The newly formed Moon was in a molten state but within about 100 million years most of the global 'magma ocean' (the layer of molten rock believed to exist on the Moon's surface) crystallized (solidified). , in which less dense rocks form the lunar crust.

Do earthquakes happen on the moon too?

According to an article published on the NASA website on 13 May 2019, during the Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16 missions, astronauts placed instruments on the lunar surface. Apollo 11's seismometer only operated for three weeks, but the other four recorded 28 shallow moonquakes. The intensity of the earthquake on the Richter scale ranged from about 2 to 5.

Who stepped on the moon for the first time, man or animal?

According to information on the website, two Russian tortoises aboard Zond 5 (a spacecraft of the Soviet Zond program) were the first animals to orbit the Moon and return to Earth. On 15 September 1968, the Turtles were launched around the Moon with plants, seeds and bacteria and returned to Earth seven days later. If seen in this way, these animals orbited the moon from the spacecraft, and did not step on the moon. Man had stepped on the moon for the first time.

When did man first step on the moon?

On July 20, 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the Moon. America's Apollo 11 mission included Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins as astronauts. After Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin also stepped out of the lander and stepped on the moon but Michael Collins did not land on the moon.

These astronauts went to the Moon aboard America's Super Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicle Saturn V from the Kennedy Space Center. It consisted of a lander module Eagle and command module Columbia. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon via the Eagle lander module, while Collins orbited the command module Columbia to maintain the spacecraft there in orbit for Neil and Buzz to return. 

Is there gold on the moon?

The website on 29 May 2015 referred to the hundreds of billions of dollars of untapped resources on the Moon through some graphics and the title 'The Lunar Gold Rush: How Moon Mining Could Work' .

The American space agency NASA ran a mission called LCROSS from 18 June 2009 to 9 October 2009. This was NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite mission. It was launched with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. The mission involved crashing a booster rocket on the Moon at a speed of about 6,000 miles per hour. At the same time, a second spacecraft equipped with a spectrometer was left behind to study the debris pile that came out of that impact.

Chemicals detected during the analysis included carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, sodium, hydrogen and small traces of gold, silver and mercury. Although the sample size was relatively small, it confirmed the presence of gold beneath the lunar regolith.

How did gold reach the moon?

It is believed that gold would have reached the moon in two ways. The first is due to the impact of the meteorite and the second during the formation process of the Moon. It is believed that there has been a bombardment of meteorites on the Moon. There must have been gold in some meteorites. Meteorites may vaporize, melt, or scatter their contents, including gold, over the lunar surface as they fall on the Moon.

The asteroid Psyche 16, for example, contains enough gold to make every human being a billionaire, so it is not surprising that during its 4.5 billion years of existence, the Moon received some gold from asteroids that fell on it. must have happened

The Moon is believed to have formed from the debris of a massive collision between Earth and a Mars-sized celestial body about 4.5 billion years ago. During this process, some gold from the Earth or impacted body may have been incorporated into the Moon's composition.

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