Chandrayaan-3: Time of two and a half seconds, the mystery of the southern end..., today Vikram-Pragyan will see the moon - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Chandrayaan-3: Time of two and a half seconds, the mystery of the southern end..., today Vikram-Pragyan will see the moon

The South Pole of the Moon is exactly the same as the South Pole of the Earth. The way the Earth's South Pole is the coldest area in Antarctica. Similarly, the south pole of the moon is also the coldest pole. 

Today the eyes of the whole world are on India. The Lander Module (LM) of Chandrayaan-3 is ready to land on the lunar surface under the ambitious third lunar mission of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) at 6:04 pm. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will monitor this entire mission from South Africa. PM Modi is on a visit to Johannesburg, South Africa to participate in the BRICS summit. 

If ISRO's mission is successful today, India will create history by becoming the first country in the world to reach the south pole of the Moon, the only natural satellite of the Earth. This evening, the eyes of the whole world will be on the lander (Vikram) and the rover (Pragyan).

If the Chandrayaan-3 mission is successful in landing on the moon and landing a robotic lunar rover in ISRO's second attempt in four years, India will become the world's first to soft-land on the lunar surface after the US, China and the former Soviet Union. Will become the fourth country. America, the former Soviet Union and China have done 'soft landing' on the surface of the moon, but their 'soft landing' has not happened on the south polar region of the moon. 

First understand what is in the south pole of the moon

The South Pole of the Moon is exactly the same as the South Pole of the Earth. Just as the South Pole of the Earth is in Antarctica and is the coldest region. Similarly, the south pole of the moon is also the coldest region. 

If any astronaut stands on the south pole of the moon, then he will see the sun on the horizon line. Most of the south pole of the moon remains in darkness because the rays of the sun fall obliquely till this region. There is also a reason that this area is the coldest area of ​​the moon.  

This area is covered with snow

According to a report by the American Space Agency NASA, based on the tests conducted from the orbiters, it is said that the south pole of the moon is covered with ice and having ice means that there can be other natural resources as well. 

Actually, in the year 1998, a Moon mission of NASA had detected the presence of hydrogen at the South Pole. According to NASA, the presence of hydrogen gives evidence of ice in that area.

Why all the countries want to reach there 

Along with sending astronauts to the moon, any country also has to send water for them to drink, food to eat and oxygen cylinders to breathe. In such a situation, the heavier the device from Earth to the Moon, the more rocket and fuel load is needed during the successful landing of the landing.

According to experts, it costs about $ 1 million to carry one kilogram of payload to the moon. Even carrying one liter of drinking water costs $1 million. 

In such a situation, if there is really ice in the south pole of the moon, then water can be drunk by melting it. Apart from this, because water is made from H2O, oxygen can also be arranged and scientists who have come to do research can last longer. 

Why no country has been able to reach this area till date 

There are big mountains and many pits (craters) on the south pole of the moon. There is very little sunlight here. The temperature of the parts of the moon on which sunlight falls is usually up to 54 degree Celsius. But the parts where there is no light, such as the South Pole, there the temperature reaches minus 248 degree Celsius. NASA has even claimed that there are many such craters on the South Pole which have been immersed in darkness for billions of years and the sunlight never fell here.

What is the purpose of Chandrayaan-3 

The first objective of Chandrayaan-3 is to make Vikram Lander a safe and soft landing on the lunar surface. The second objective of Chandrayaan-3 is to show Pragyan Rover running on the lunar surface and its third objective is to conduct scientific tests.

Why these last 15 minutes are most important in the success of Chandrayaan-3

In the year 2019, 15 minutes before the launch of Chandrayaan-2 proved to be very important. At that time the chairman of ISRO was K. Sivan had described the failure of this mission as a 15-minute terror.

However, ISRO's current chairman S Somnath said that all arrangements have been made to prevent any mishap during landing with the Chandrayaan-3 lander module and if there are minor mistakes, the scientists have made sure that Chandrayaan-3's lander is on the surface. All precautions are taken for landing.

How does a spacecraft land on the moon 

Generally people think that landing on the moon is also like landing on the earth. But due to the lack of atmosphere on the moon, it is possible to land the lander not by flying in the air but with the help of a parachute.

Actually, the lander of Chandrayaan-3 is circling the moon in a long circular orbit. When this lander starts passing a hundred kilometers above the surface of the moon, the lander ignites the booster to bring it into the gravitational force of the moon. After this, it starts falling rapidly towards the surface of the moon.

When the lander is falling on the surface of the moon, its speed is very high. It takes about 1.3 seconds to send a radio signal from the Earth to the Moon. It takes 1.3 seconds for the same signal to reach the ground again.

Similarly, the lander sends a signal to the earth and it takes 1.3 seconds for the reply signal to reach back to it. Which means it takes about two and a half seconds to exchange the signal.

That means it takes two and a half seconds to control the lander falling on the surface of the moon at a speed of several hundred kilometers per hour. Because of this two and a half second time, the lander is made such that it can take its own decisions. During the landing on the lunar surface, even a slight glitch in technology can cause a lot of trouble.

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