Dengue: Dengue hemorrhagic fever can kill, know its symptoms from AIIMS doctor - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Dengue: Dengue hemorrhagic fever can kill, know its symptoms from AIIMS doctor

Dengue hemorrhagic fever: Dengue is cured in a few days in most people, but in many cases it can prove to be fatal. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a major cause of death in dengue. Due to this fever, the number of platelets in the body starts falling rapidly. Which proves fatal.

Dengue cases have started increasing once again in the rainy season. The scope of this disease is increasing from Delhi-NCR to Maharashtra and West Bengal. Hospitalization of patients suffering from dengue is also increasing. Deaths are also happening due to this disease. According to doctors, in most people this fever gets cured in three to five days, but for some patients it can also prove fatal. If a person gets dengue hemorrhagic fever, then it can put the patient's life in danger. This fever is the reason for most of the deaths due to dengue.

In such a situation, it is important to know about it in detail. For this, we have talked to Dr. Yudhveer Singh, Assistant Professor in the Critical Care Department at AIIMS New Delhi.

Why are dengue cases on the rise?

Dr. Yudhveer Singh says that this time it is raining heavily. There is also flood in many areas. Flood and rain together have increased the risk of dengue. For the past few days, the cases of dengue are increasing continuously. This is happening because of the increase in the breeding of mosquitoes. At present, people need to be alert about dengue. If there is any kind of fever, then dengue must be checked. Do not be negligent in this matter.

what is hemorrhagic fever

Dr. Singh says that some dengue patients also get hemorrhagic fever. It is a type of dengue, but it is much more dangerous than normal fever. Due to this fever, the level of white blood cells and platelets in the body drops rapidly. Pimples start appearing on the patient's skin. Bleeding also starts coming from the gums of some patients. There is difficulty in breathing and the problem of vomiting and diarrhea also starts. All these conditions become fatal. Due to this fever, the patient may also have internal bleeding.

Dr. Singh explains that in hemorrhagic fever the fever is faster than 100 degrees. In some patients, the problem of falling of BP also starts. If these symptoms are visible then a doctor should be consulted immediately. During this, keep in mind that there should be no shortage of water in the patient's body. During this, the patient may also need platelets. In such a situation arrange for a donor after consulting a doctor.

Dengue prevention is very important

Dengue prevention is the best cure for it. To prevent this fever, it is necessary not to allow water to accumulate anywhere around you. Wear full sleeve clothes to avoid mosquito bites. Take special care of this, especially for children and the elderly. In this season, take care of the diet as well and definitely include fruits and green vegetables in the food.

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