Has the growth of your hair also stopped? So you may be a victim of micro breakage... know about this problem - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Friday, August 18, 2023

Has the growth of your hair also stopped? So you may be a victim of micro breakage... know about this problem

Does it happen to you too that even after several attempts, the length of the hair does not grow much and stops at one stage, this could be due to micro breakage.

Hair Fall Reason:  Every girl wants her hair to be beautiful, thick, soft and shiny. Don't know what they don't do for this. Many girls are also fond of long hair, but it is seen that even after doing oil massage, proper hair care treatment, natural shampoo conditioner and home remedies, their hair stops at one stage and does not grow much beyond that. Have you ever wondered why this happens, if not, then we tell you about a problem due to which hair growth stops. 

What is micro breakage 

First of all, it is important to know that hair growth is genetic, that is, your hair grows only up to a certain length and after that it stops growing. The American Academy of Dermatology also did research on this and found that this happens because micro breakage damages the hair. This makes your hair weak from the ends and hair starts breaking from the middle. If you want to find out whether you are a victim of micro breakage or not, then take your broken hair and measure it with the length of your hair, if this hair is short, then understand that you are a victim of micro breakage.

- Now it comes to how to avoid micro breakage, so for this it is most important that you must do hormonal test and take care of nutrition in your food.

- To avoid micro breakage, use a wide tooth comb or hair brush while untangling the hair, as it causes less hair breakage.

- Minimize the use of heat styling tools such as straighteners, curlers or blow dryers, as these make your hair more brittle and can lead to more micro breakage.

- To strengthen your hair, you must apply oil and serum on the hair regularly and keep your hair hydrated.

- Some supplements and nutrients are necessary for hair, in which Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Iron, Zinc, Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin B must be taken.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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