Health: So many steps should be taken daily for a long life! Know what the study says - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Health: So many steps should be taken daily for a long life! Know what the study says

Along with maintaining your weight, daily walking can be many times more beneficial for your health, so let's know what the study says about it.

Walking daily is very beneficial for health, you must have heard this many times. Although people still think that if you want to lose weight, then you should walk daily, but walking not only reduces weight but also has many other amazing health benefits. Reports say that walking is beneficial for your overall health. According to a study, the more you walk, the more your health benefits and it can help in increasing your age. Now the question arises that after all how many walks should be done daily i.e. how many steps should be taken.

Everyone wants to live a healthy life, but for this it is very important to have a balance from healthy diet to daily routine. In today's busy life, not everyone has enough time to take out one to two hours for daily workout, but walking is such an activity, which you can easily complete. So let's know how many steps walking in a day will benefit your health.

Heart problems will be less

According to a study in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, if you walk 500 to 1000 steps daily, the risk of death due to heart disease or any other reason reduces significantly.

How many steps daily?

According to the study, walking at least 2337 steps daily reduces the risk of death from heart diseases, while walking about 3967 steps daily reduces the risk of death from other diseases. The study found that walking 500 steps a day was associated with a 7 percent reduction in the risk of death from heart disease, while walking 1,000 steps was associated with a 15 percent reduction in risk.

At present, how many steps have to be taken daily, if we talk about this time, then according to the researchers, there is no fixed limit for this, studies say that by walking daily, its health benefits increase continuously. These results are based on 17 separate studies conducted on 226,889 people.

What does WHO say

According to the World Health Organization, low physical activity is the fourth most common cause of death worldwide. Because of this, 3.2 million deaths occur every year. According to an estimate, a quarter of the people in the world live such a life, in which physical activity is negligible.

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