Bollywood Actress MMS Video: Due to the lockdown, Bollywood stars are sharing their words and expressions with their fans through social media only. Sometimes a star appears on Instagram Live and sometimes on Facebook Live. In this live session, the stars also reveal many secrets which go viral all over the internet. But this social media sometimes becomes a noose around the neck of these shining stars. In the year 2005 itself, an MMS of Bollywood's 'Dimple Girl' Preity Zinta was leaked, which spread like fire everywhere. (Bollywood Actress MMS Video)
Video was made while taking a bath
Preity Zinta was shown taking a bath in a hotel in that video and it was said that some of the hotel's staff had leaked her MMS. There was a lot of controversy about the clip, but it was never known. Was it really Pretty in that video or someone else.
Akshara Haasan nude pictures leaked
Like Pretty, in November 2018, Kamal Haasan's daughter Akshara Haasan was going viral on social media. The reason for which was her nude pictures. When those nude pictures reached Akshara, she did it in Mumbai Police and Cyber Cell. But by then the pictures had created sensation everywhere. (Bollywood Actress MMS Video)
radhika apte
Something similar happened with Radhika Apte, a well-known veteran actress of the cine world. A few days ago, a picture of a nude selfie of Radhika had gone viral. But it was not clear whether the girl seen in the selfie was Radhika or someone else. Or someone edited the picture.
Mona Singh
TV world's well-known actress Mona Singh has also become its victim. One of her nude videos went viral on social media. Due to the video, there was a lot of gritty but, it is difficult to say that Mona was the only one in the video. (Bollywood Actress MMS Video)
Bahubali's Devasena
Some such pictures of Anushka Shetty, who was seen in the role of Devasena in the film Bahubali, were also leaked in which the actress was seen taking a bath. But it could not be confirmed whether it was Anushka or someone else. In fact, sometimes some crazy people on social media do this to defame actresses. Some actresses take action on such posts and some remain calm. But, this cycle continues. (Bollywood Actress MMS Video)
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