Without a bill to protect domestic workers, Khotimah's case is not unique in Indonesia, the largest Muslim-majority country, where more than four million people - mostly women - are being abused.
In Indonesia, such an incident of vandalism with a maid has come to the fore, listening to which you will also say that humanity is really dead. Here a rich man treated his maidservant so horribly that she still trembles remembering it. The owner beat him, forced him to eat animal excrement and imprisoned him in a dog cage. His body was burnt with cigarette, his whole body got injured. She was also raped.
24-year-old Siti Khotimah worked as a maid in Jakarta, 300 km from her home in Central Java. He got the job of Made on Facebook. Last year I came to the city from my village and joined work. It was fine for a few days but then the rich owner started torturing him. Khotimah tells that even today remembering that scene makes her head ache. Thinks why was this done to her?
Torture family jailed, colleagues also punished
Its 70-year-old wealthy owner in South Jakarta was jailed for four years last month for physical abuse. At the same time, the woman's husband, daughter and six other maids were sentenced to three and a half years. Khotimah told that she was also raped during her job, but initially she could not talk about it. She then informed the police who advised her to file a separate case for sexual assault. It was very sad, because he wanted them to listen to me.
Domestic workers bill still stuck in parliament
The Domestic Workers Bill has been pending for nearly two decades and activists accuse the government of delaying it. Maids have not been given the title of workers in recent laws. However, they have to work to run the household. Torture has to be endured. According to the report, even if the law goes ahead, it will mainly help people recruited by agents to work abroad. Incidents of misbehavior with Indonesian maids are also common abroad. Social activists call the bill discriminatory.
Accused of theft then tortured
Despite horrific stories of risks and abuse, women from rural areas like Khotimah are forced by poverty to move to bigger cities for work. Khotimah told that we had outstanding money in our village. There was no other option. He told that the torture started with him a few weeks after joining in April 2022. Other employees accused him of petty theft.
The matter did not end here. He was accused of theft several times and was tortured. This continued to happen with him till December. At last she returned home. The family called the police and she was admitted to the hospital. The treatment went on for four months and now Khotimah is at home. She is crying looking at her wounds. She trembles remembering the incidents. She said she would fight for more women and "make sure this doesn't happen to anyone like what happened to me".