If you sit on the chair for a long time in the office, then these parts of the body start getting damaged! - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Friday, August 18, 2023

If you sit on the chair for a long time in the office, then these parts of the body start getting damaged!

There are many people who have to work sitting on the chair for hours, but do you know that if you do not sit on the chair properly or do not sit on the right chair, then you may have many serious problems.

Sitting Job Sideeffects: Whether  it is work-from-home or going to work in the office, working people have to sit on a chair in front of a computer or laptop for a long time, due to which their spinal cord is affected and from the neck to the lower back. I start having pain. According to a report, people who are working, work sitting for 7709 days in their entire life. Due to this, many serious problems also arise, so let us tell you today what problems can be caused by sitting on a bad chair in the wrong way.

People with long sitting job may have these problems

back pain or back pain 

If your chair does not give you back support and you keep sitting without support, then it starts hurting your back and this pain starts from the neck and goes till the tail bone.


Yes, if you sit on the chair for a long time in the same position and do not do any movement, then the lower part of your body starts growing and fat gets accumulated here.

lack of concentration 

When you work for hours sitting on the chair in the wrong position, then your concentration also starts decreasing, because sitting uncomfortably, the person's attention repeatedly goes to the same place, so you should sit on a chair with proper back and arm support. Needed.

shoulder pain 

People who work on the computer while sitting on a chair and constantly move their fingers on the keyboard, pain starts from their hands to shoulders.

decrease in blood circulation

Sitting in the same position for hours also affects blood circulation. Especially by working on a chair, the blood flow in the shoulder, stomach and waist is not done properly, due to which there is a common problem like tingling or numbness in the body.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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