Less than a month is left for Shahrukh Khan to return to the screen as a young man. All his fans are waiting for this film. After releasing the teaser and preview video of the film, on July 31, SRK released a song named Zinda Banda, which was widely discussed on social media. Now another new song has been released from this upcoming film, whose title is Chaleya Teri Ore.
A few days ago, Shahrukh had made an announcement about this song through social media and told that the song will be released on August 14. For the last two days, he was also sharing small glimpses related to this song. While on one hand SRK was very energetic in the song Zinda Banda, on the other hand his romantic avatar is shown in it.
Watch Jawan's new song here
Nayantara's pairing with Shahrukh is seen in this song. The chemistry of both is very good and both are looking romantic. Significantly, Shah Rukh Khan is also known as Romance King. It is said that romance is incomplete without them and they are incomplete without romance. Now even though Jawan is an action film, but if SRK is in it then there will be romance. Let me tell you, there is also an iconic pose of spreading his arms in this song.
Shahrukh may have taken the path of action now, but seeing him in this song reminds me of the old SRK who is called the king of romance. This song is not only looking good, but along with that it has been shot at different beautiful locations, which is also attractive to watch.
These stars will be seen in the film
The release date of Jawan is 7 September. While on one side there is Nayantara opposite Shahrukh in the film, on the other hand many other big stars are going to be seen in it. Deepika Padukone has a cameo role in the film. Vijay Sethupathi, one of the big stars of South Cinema, is also in an important role in this.
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