On August 15, Indian SUV specialist company Mahindra introduced the Thar.e electric version of the off-road SUV Thar. The design of the Thar Electric Concept grabbed a lot of headlines. Nagaland minister Temjen Imna Along, who is very active on social media, also could not stop himself from praising it. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA wrote something about Thar Electric on microblogging platform X (Twitter) that Anand Mahindra made a special promise to him.
Temjen remains in discussions about his unique tweet. His posts on social media go viral instantly. Seeing the electric version of Mahindra Thar, the BJP leader tagged Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra and wrote, "Big Bro, this is the next level." In this post, he shared a picture of the Mahindra Thar.e and also congratulated the Mahindra team.
Anand Mahindra made a special promise
Anand Mahindra also posts a lot on X (Twitter). He gave a funny reply to Temjen's post. He promised the Nagaland minister that he would give him a ride in the Thar.e when it is launched. Now just waiting for the electric version of Thar to be launched. Temjen will get a chance to take a ride in it during the launch. Let us tell you that Thar.e is the electric concept version of the popular Thar SUV.
Big Bro @anandmahindra, ye toh next level hai.
Kudos to your team 🫡 pic.twitter.com/xJ8LLTNrVW
Mahindra Thar.e: Bigger battery pack expected
The new Mahindra Thar Electric will be built on the company's INGLO-P1 EV platform. The advantage of this platform is that it can fit a powerful battery pack while keeping the weight of the upcoming electric SUV light. To give better driving experience, the new electric SUV will get more ground clearance.
Mahindra Thar.e: When will it be launched?
Talking about the look, the design of the Electric Thar is different from the current Thar. The updated LED headlamps with square shape are seen on the front of the electric version. At the same time, LED bars are also present on the grille which gives a different look to the EV. Mahindra has not shared the details of its battery pack and range. It is believed that Thar Electric SUV can be launched in 2025.
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