Oh dear me! After tomato, now potato is also expensive, here the rate is Rs 60 per kg - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Friday, August 11, 2023

Oh dear me! After tomato, now potato is also expensive, here the rate is Rs 60 per kg

After tomatoes, now the rising prices of potatoes have increased the tension of the people. Due to the high rates, potatoes have disappeared from the plate of common people in many cities.

Inflation in the country is not taking its name. Along with rice, pulses, wheat, flour and sugar, vegetables have also become expensive. For the last two months, the rate of all food items has reached the seventh sky. If the prices of any one food item fall marginally, then by then other things become costlier. Due to this, instead of improving the spoiled budget of the general public, it is getting worse. The special thing is that after tomato, now potato has also become expensive. In many cities, its price has crossed Rs 45 per kg.

Actually, with the arrival of monsoon, inflation also came in the country. As the monsoon spread across the country, the inflation also increased. Firstly, the prices of tomatoes increased. Tomato, which was available at Rs 30 to 40 per kg, has come down to Rs 140 per kg in the last week of June. At the same time, by the time of July, it reached beyond Rs 300 per kg. In many cities including Chandigarh, the price of one kg of tomatoes had gone up to Rs 350. Along with this, the price of green vegetables also caught fire.

Sudden increase in inflation

All vegetables including capsicum, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, cucumber, parwal, and cabbage suddenly became costlier. The price of these vegetables, which were available at Rs 40 to 50 per kg, increased to Rs 80 to 100. Green chillies have become the most expensive. Green chillies were sold for Rs 400 per kg in Kolkata. But despite this the potato remained stable. A nominal increase was registered in its prices. The one which used to get Rs.20 per kg has become Rs.25 per kg. But, looking at the statistics of the Department of Consumer Affairs' site, it seems that now potatoes will also bring tears to eyes like other vegetables. In many cities of the country, potatoes are being sold at Rs 47 to 60 per kg.

The most expensive potato in this state after Mizoram

Right now potato is being sold most expensively in Mizoram. Here in Champhai city, the price of one kg of potatoes has gone up to Rs.60. In such a situation, people are buying potatoes according to grams and not kilos. At the same time, due to the increase in the price, potato vegetable has disappeared from the poor man's plate. People are preferring to eat other vegetables instead of potatoes. The special thing is that after Champhai, the price of potato is the highest in Nilgiris city of Tamil Nadu. Here the price of one kg potato has gone up to Rs 47.

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