The fate of some people is written by God with a golden pen. Even if it is for a while, but they remain rich. Generally, it is very difficult for employed people to raise crores of rupees. Yes, but through business, people definitely become millionaires in a short time. Apart from this, there is another way to become rich in a very short time, which is completely dependent on luck. That's the way to win the lottery. Even though there is a ban on lotteries in India, people in foreign countries play lotteries indiscriminately and not only millionaires, they also become billionaires. Nowadays one such woman is in discussion, whose fortune shone overnight that she became the mistress of crores.
The woman's name is Eliza Yahioglu . According to the Mirror's report, 56-year-old Eliza had bought a lottery ticket worth only 25 pounds i.e. about Rs 2650 to try her luck and her luck supported her in such a way that she not only won £2 million i.e. about 21 crores in the lottery. Won but also got a cash prize of one crore rupees.
Received gift worth crores on birthday
The interesting thing is that Eliza was celebrating her 56th birthday, but little did she know that this birthday is going to be the most special birthday of her life. According to reports, the information about winning the lottery worth crores in the Omaze Million-Pound House Draw was received on her husband's phone. During the birthday celebration, the Omage presenter first called and informed that she had won the lottery and then went to her house and congratulated her and handed over the keys of the farmhouse.
Lottery winning farmhouse is full of greenery
The farmhouse that Eliza won the lottery was in a beautiful natural place near Yorkshire, where there is only greenery. The interesting thing is that Eliza herself is a resident of Yorkshire, so this victory became the most special for her.