Over 50% of people with autoimmune disease experience depression and anxiety: study - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Over 50% of people with autoimmune disease experience depression and anxiety: study

A new study published in the journal Rheumatology has found that more than 50 per cent of people with autoimmune disease suffer from depression and anxiety.

Connection Between Autoimmune Disease And Anxiety: Autoimmune disease is a condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own cells instead of fighting the external elements. According to America's National Institute of Health, about 100 types of autoimmune diseases have been identified. Of these, we all know the names of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Type 1 Diabetes. At the same time, a very shocking revelation has been made in a study about autoimmune disease. A new study published in the journal Rheumatology has found that more than 50 percent of people with autoimmune disease suffer from depression and anxiety.

Depression in patients with autoimmune diseases - study

The research compared data from 1853 systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARDs) patients with 463 control groups and 289 physicians and found that 55% of SARDs patients currently had depression and 57% had anxiety. The researchers highlighted that many people with autoimmune disease were less likely to report their mental health problems or seek help. This was due to the fear of being stigmatised. Those who raised their concerns complained of being ignored.

How Autoimmune Hurts Mental Health

Autoimmune disorders are known to damage different parts of the brain such as the orbito-frontal cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which play an important role in mental health. They are also known to cause inflammation and irritation in the brain. Therefore, they are highly likely to develop depression, anxiety, psychosis and cognitive problems. According to the doctor, the risk of mental health problems in autoimmune disorders can range from 25% to 80%. According to the doctor, there is also a significant risk of suicide due to depression.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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