Ekadashi has special significance in Hinduism. A fast is observed on this day dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Worshiping Lord Vishnu and keeping a fast on this day fulfills all wishes. A total of 24 Ekadashis are observed throughout the year. Different Ekadashi has different name. Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha of Adhikamas is called Parama Ekadashi. The fast of Parma Ekadashi will be observed today i.e. on 12th August.
Adhikamas comes once in every three years. In such a situation, Parma Ekadashi also falls once in every three years because it comes only when there is an excess month. This year Adhik Maas has fallen in the month of Sawan. In such a situation, the importance of Parma Ekadashi has increased even more, in which along with Lord Vishnu, the blessings of Mahadev will also be received.
Ekadashi Muhurta
The Ekadashi date of Krishna Paksha started at 5.06 am on 11th August and remained till 06.31 am on 12th August. Although, according to Udayatithi, the fast of Parma Ekadashi should be observed on 11th August, but due to decay of the date, the fast will be observed on 12th August. Along with fasting and worshiping on the day of Parma Ekadashi, it is also necessary to take care of some other things. Let's know what to do and what not to do today-
What to do on Parma Ekadashi
- On the day of Ekadashi, wake up early in the morning, take a bath and wear clean clothes and purify the house by sprinkling Ganges water. After this take a vow of fasting and worship Lord Vishnu.
- Donation is also very important on this day. Many things like food, yellow clothes should be donated on this day. By this one gets the blessings of Shri Hari.
- Offer Tulsi to Lord Vishnu during worship on the day of Ekadashi.
- Satvik food should be taken on Ekadashi. First food should be offered to Shri Hari, only then it should be accepted.
What not to do
- Do not consume rice even by mistake on this day. Consuming Chavan on this day is not considered auspicious.
- Anger should be avoided on this day. Along with this celibacy should be followed.
- Hair nails should not be cut on this day. Sweeping is also considered prohibited on this day because it can kill small creatures.
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